Dear Vickee,

What a sweet offering! I felt your joy in connecting with your dear ones. The occasions for the connections may have been small moments, but I could tell they were big in meaning. Thank you for radiating out the joy to your readers.

You asked for examples of everyday experiences that brought us joy as readers. Here are a few for me from this week. My granddaughter called last night, and we had a warm and bonding conversation. I went swimming at sunrise this morning in the lovely outdoor heated pool at the health club I am fortunate to belong to. My bilingual yoga teacher just offered me a tip that helped me understand Spanish-language usage better.

I appreciate your invitation to share. And I’d go further and say that reading your post was itself a joy.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Author

Thank you for sharing your joys Glen! I especially love the conversation with your granddaughter, those moments are the absolute best. And the swimming sounds like my kind of joy. I love to swim!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Vickee Boyd

I LOVE THIS! Am going to do it with my family.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Author

Yay! I hope it brings you as much joy as it brings me Mary. <3

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Vickee Boyd

This morning’s small joy, is reading your small joys story while drinking coffee. The little rainbows are stretching across the ceiling of the kitchen from sun through 2 prisms in the window.

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I'm so glad I could bring you some joy Mum. I have rainbow time every afternoon when the sun hits the prism you gave me. <3

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