Okay, maybe she’s not leaving me. But she’s going to a new job in a residential treatment facility where she won’t be able to treat me anymore because she can’t see outside patients.
Hi Vickee, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I went to medical school to help people, but with the current health system, it is not always easy or possible. I am grateful that I actually was able to serve this purpose for you. And you are absolutely right that you can do this, because the main source of your growth is you. Take care. Dr. G.
Hi Vickee. I love that you received the care you needed and the care you deserved from Dr. G. It’s so heartening to read that you have benefited so much from working with her. All my best wishes in finding a new psychiatrist who continues on the path Dr. G established.
Hi Vickee, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I went to medical school to help people, but with the current health system, it is not always easy or possible. I am grateful that I actually was able to serve this purpose for you. And you are absolutely right that you can do this, because the main source of your growth is you. Take care. Dr. G.
Thank you Dr. G. <3
Hi Vickee. I love that you received the care you needed and the care you deserved from Dr. G. It’s so heartening to read that you have benefited so much from working with her. All my best wishes in finding a new psychiatrist who continues on the path Dr. G established.
Thank you Glen! I appreciate you.