The wallet story is better than anything you can do with the drug money.

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So true Kieran! If he did find one, I think he'd just be more excited about the story of finding it than what he'd actually spend it on too. The stories are more important. ;-)

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Hi Vickee. I know you were focusing on the hopeful and at times wondrous theme of serendipity. This was great! But I think what struck me and stayed with me most was how caring and conscientious you were in safeguarding the woman’s wallet, trying to locate her, and turning in the wallet to the police station-- and then thinking to ask the young man who spoke Spanish to offer an assist. A lesser person would not have made the stewardship of the wallet a priority. Hope this last bit of summer is going well for you.

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Thank you Glen. I'm glad that I was able to help someone who couldn't afford that loss. I hope you're enjoying the last of summer as well.

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