Hi Vickee. This was such a relatable piece about a kind of fantasy that I bet swells up in most adults with more regularity than any of us would care to admit. As usual, your writing kept the reader close, as you honestly and openly, without any sort of self-curation, spoke with engaging details about your dreamy escape.

And yes, I certainly have had many moments in my life when my soul yearned to inhabit a kinder and easier world, free of all the endless chores, the ongoing need for interpersonal negotiation, and the constant need for deferred gratification. I used to wish when my oldest son was in middle and early high school that he would rise up and away in a helium balloon to an ethereal half-way house with very earth-based boundaries and more effective direction than I or the school or anybody else seemed to be capable of providing.

And I dream about freely indulging my desire for delectable foods, one of the themes you wrote so vividly about. I'd like to eat on a near daily basis Chocolate Gooey Brownie ice cream from Salt and Straw, dine several nights a week at El Pambiche and luxuriate in dishes like Pescado con Coco, desserts like Tres Leches cake, and beverages like Café Cubano. I'd like to be able to eat four slices of Alligator Pie at Pizza Schmizza on Friday nights, as I used to do back in the day, and not gain a pound for each slice.

I'm getting hungry just writing this!

Anyway, thanks for another writing treat.

Be well,


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I so love and look forward to your commentary Glen. It really makes my day. Thank you for sharing your own thoughts in regard to your son, I love that visual. And all of your food fantasies are making me hungry as well. We visited Salt & Straw a few years ago when we were in Portland and discovered that they could accommodate us with gluten and dairy free treats and they did not disappoint. So delicious! And I too miss the pizza. When my oldest was little we used to get pizza and movie from Blockbuster every Friday night. I miss those days.

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